Animated Inanimate Battle Wiki

Team 6 is one of the six teams in Animated Inanimate Battle.


An Ice Beginning[]

Team 6 is given an anticlimactic entrance; Glassy demands to have their name dropped by Oodle. Oodle acquiesces, and speedily, says the members on Team 6: Shot Put, Raisin, Package, Popsicle Stick, Glassy, Orange Food Dye, Yellow Food Dye, Glove, Nacho, and Showery. Out of breath, Oodle falls over. Out of everyone, only the Food Dyes end up together, while Glove and Sock and Jelly and Popsicle Stick look on in irritation. During the challenge, Shot Put questions what the challenge is, since he blanked out for a couple of minutes. Glove explains the challenge to him, which causes Shot Put to shove Glove off the block. Glove affirms Shot Put's action, but then realizes he's off the block, and falls towards the water. An angered Package condemns Shot Put for throwing off Glove, to which Shot Put attempts again by trying to throw Popsicle Stick off, only to realize again that Popsicle Stick is on his team. Package, observing Sock kicking Bouncy Ball, remarks that Team 2 has a great offense capability. She then decides to get Team 6 on the offensive, to which Shot Put responds by attempting to throw Package again. Later, Nacho, who was being held up by Shot Put, is shot by one of Frisbee's javelins. Package declares that she has an idea, and tells everyone that if they use Showery's nozzle as a catapult, and fling somebody towards another team, that person can get everyone off and make that team lose. Shot Put objects to this idea, saying it sounds like throwing people off but with extra steps; Package corrects him, saying that it's throwing people onto stuff. They attempt Package's idea, throwing Raisin towards Team 4, but are dismayed when Raisin smashes into the ice block rather than the team themselves. Glassy mocks Package, reiterating Package's correction towards Shot Put. Team 6 then goes into disarray, with all of them yelling at each other. Yellow Food Dye asks Shot Put what he's doing, with Shot Put saying that he's going to throw Glassy towards Team 2's ice block. He denounces Package's idea, and declares "muttony"; Package corrects him and says it's "mutiny" and it isn't even mutiny if they're doing exactly as she planned. Glassy is thrown atop Team 2's ice block and wreaks havoc, kicking Hanger, Hailstone, and Brain off and throwing off Can. Jelly, as Glassy attempts to kick Safe off (and injures her foot in the process) picks up Glassy and punts her towards Team 1, with Yarn telling Jelly to be careful. On Team 1's platform, Glassy latches onto Candle, and is promptly hit by Coconut using Pill as a baseball bat. Team 6 is alarmed by Team 1 floating towards them. They attempt to hatch out a plan, but are unable to, since their team is disorderly and full of conflict. Every team member except Showery yells at each other for conflicting ideas. Showery, who stayed out of the fight, asks if he could say his idea for a plan. The fight stops, and all members' eyes turn towards Showery. However, Showery doesn't have a plan in mind. As he thinks of one, Chocolate Chip says that Team 6 is distracted, and demands Coconut to enact his plan. Coconut latches onto Album's subtitles and throws them towards Team 6, throwing everyone except Showery into the water and cracking the ice block in the process. Recoiling from this, Shot Put flies into the air and crashes into Team 5's ice block, flipping the ice block upside down with only Fireball left on it. With only Showery left on the now-crumbling block, Nacho unemotionally tells Showery to keep his balance. Showery then claims that he has a great sense of balance... only for him to fall down the ice block and into the water. With all team members in the water, Team 6 is declared the loser of the challenge by Oodle.

Smarter & Boulder[]

After Safe performs her introduction on Team 2's meeting, Popsicle Stick frantically opens up Safe and locks herself inside of her. The rest of Team 6 barge in on the meeting and demand Popsicle Stick to get out of Safe. Popsicle Stick, who is afraid that she'll be separated from Jelly if she's eliminated, gets out of Safe once Jelly coerces her, only to be captured by the rest of Team 6. Oodle transforms his hand into a snow shovel, and scoops up and throws Team 6 towards individual podiums.

As Team 6's uneasiness settles, Oodle declares that they gained 204 votes, and that the prizes for being safe are apricots. Package and Glove are safe with 3 votes, Glassy with 6 votes, Showery and Shot Put obtained 11 votes, Nacho is safe with 15, and both Food Dyes are safe with 29 votes. All eight of them obtain apricots.

Popsicle Stick and Raisin are the last two remaining, with Popsicle Stick becoming nervous about her "incoming" elimination. Oodle remarks that Raisin is a dried up grape, causing Popsicle Stick to ask if Raisin is Jelly's grandpa. Raisin doesn't respond; he's asleep.

Annoyed by Raisin being asleep, Oodle orders Tivo to count the votes. Popsicle Stick is safe at 32 votes, whereas Raisin becomes the first contestant eliminated from Animated Inanimate Battle, with 65 votes.

Glove asks Raisin what his one wish was going to be, with Raisin responding that he would have wished for his youth back. Everyone cries at this tearjerker, only for the moment to be interrupted when Raisin gets sucked into a canvas. Everyone is mortified.

All the contestants ask Oodle what he did to Raisin. Oodle reassures everyone that Raisin is fine; he's simply in the Doodleverse, a dimension created by him where all eliminated contestants will go.

Raisin, who is in the Doodleverse, is initially confused. A pencil of the same colour as him floats down from above, and he picks it up.

During the challenge, Team 6 rushes to their boulder and immediately attempt to push their boulder, but it doesn't budge. Glassy laments the elimination of Raisin. Package is annoyed at her team, declaring that if they followed her plan in the first place, then Raisin would still be here. Shot Put then states that Package shouldn't use her brain for unimportant tasks; Package questions him, but Shot Put shuts down. Yellow Food Dye says that they wouldn't have lost if Showery hadn't lied about his balance, only for Orange Food Dye to say that it wouldn't have made a difference. Showery runs away; Package demands for him to come back. Later, Package demands an end the infighting, and declares herself leader again. Glassy is against this, and instead declares herself leader. Yellow Food Dye jumps the gun and declares herself and Orange Food Dye co-leaders, remarking that two heads are better than one. Glove, who is egged on by his competitive nature, declares himself leader as well. The rest of Team 6 looks on as Nacho remarks that Team 6 is probably going to lose again. The "elected" leaders of Team 6 continue their infighting, as the other four look on at the mountain. Showery questions what their plan will be, as Nacho finally has an idea while she looks at Team 2 lounging on the peak. Nacho dispassionately says that Jelly is in trouble to Popsicle Stick; the latter doesn't believe her, but Nacho points to Jelly (who still has a crevice in his head). Popsicle Stick is invigorated, and Nacho attaches a leash onto Popsicle Stick as she rushes up to "save" Jelly. The rest of Team 6 look on dumbfounded, as Showery tells everyone else to start moving.

Eventually, Team 6, due to Popsicle Stick's worry for Jelly, comes in second. Everyone else arrives as well, all riding inside of Showery. Popsicle Stick rushes towards Jelly, asking what happened to him. Jelly is still delirious.

Get A Grip[]

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  • They are the first team to lose in the series.
  • Their logo's font is Comic Sans MS font.
  • They are the fourth team to win 1st place.
  • They so far have the lowest amount of Contestants as Raisin was eliminated in Smarter & Boulder and Popsicle Stick moving to Team 2.

Current Members[]

Former Members[]
