Animated Inanimate Battle Wiki

Team 4 is one of the six teams in Animated Inanimate Battle.


An Ice Beginning[]

Oodle declares Lyre to be the first member of Team 4, then adding Frisbee and Envelope, much to the first two's exasperation. Alef, Whoopee Cushion, Ketchup, Leek, Toothpick, Glue, and Nabla are added onto the team. In a dramatic series of events, Alef declares Nabla to be his cousin, which surprises everyone else but annoys Nabla. Alef says to Nabla to do nothing that'll embarrass him, only for him to step on Whoopee Cushion and, funnily enough, embarrassing Alef. During the challenge, Sock kicks Bouncy Ball, hitting Whoopee Cushion and Glue in the process. Ketchup mourns Glue's "death", with Envelope saying it is in vain; she is already "dead". Glue, while in the water, says that she's perfectly fine. Nabla tells everyone to focus on her plan⁠; a foolproof one that will guarantee a "95.7% chance of success". However, Alef pushes Nabla's chalkboard off, this time crushing Glue, and annoying Nabla. Alef, instead, infers that Nabla's plan is "stupid" and "hard to follow", and says that a bunch of science won't help them out if they've already lost two team members. Nabla, annoyed, responds sarcastically what will actually help. Off to the screen, Frisbee holds up javelins and whispers "Javelins" quietly. Alef is confused, but then Frisbee shouts out "Javelins!!" and throws the javelins towards the other teams. The victims of this plan are Nacho, Teabag, Chalk and Flaggy. Nabla is astonished by the effectiveness of the javelins, to which Alef responds affirmatively, but then denounces Nabla's geekiness; she is subsequently annoyed. Suddenly, Bouncy Ball comes by and gets Alef off, and Nabla thanks Sock for kicking him off. The challenge ends with Team 6 losing and Team 4 being safe.

Smarter & Boulder[]

Nabla starts off with a plan once more around weight distribution, but her plans are written on a handheld chalkboard, since her previous one was thrown off by Alef. Alef, once again, calls out Nabla and is against his cousin's plans; the two bicker once more. Alef then points out that they have an athlete on their team: Frisbee, and says that he probably could push the boulder one-handed. Frisbee is powered up by this proposition, and flexes his muscles. Team 4 comes in third place, with Nabla attributing their win to her plan; Frisbee attributes it to his muscles. Teabag and Lyre take in the beautiful view at the peak, while Nabla derides it as "substandard". She then spots her chalkboard in the water, and rushes down to get it.


  • Their logo's font is Broadway font
  • They have the highest limb average out of every team, at 3.4
  • Ironically in Get a Grip, Team 4 placed 4th place.
  • Ironically in Fartists, Team 4 lost the 4th challenge and in the next episode, Whoopee Cushion was the 4th contestant eliminated.
  • Team 4 is the first team up for a contestant vote elimination.

Current Members[]

Former Members[]
