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Team 1 is one of the six teams in Animated Inanimate Battle.
An Ice Beginning[]
The first member to get picked is Album, who is promptly thrown over to the podium by Oodle. Next up are Chocolate Chip, Roe, and Pill. Chocolate Chip remarks that she's finally picked, and Pill attempts to stop Roe from wandering off. Candle and Blanket are up next, with Candle asking who Blanket is. Blanket timidly responds in a quiet manner, much to Candle's annoyance. Glowstick, Bacon, Coconut, and Flaggy are picked last. Coconut announces his intentions to be leader of the team, only to be knocked over by an eccentric Flaggy. Bacon then asks Oodle if they will have a team name, only for Oodle to anticlimactically name them "Team 1". During the challenge, Glowstick catcalls Pitchfork from a distance, much to the latter's annoyance. Glowstick comments that while they are not on the same team, he assumes that they're still "dating". Pitchfork denies the claim, saying that she doesn't like him. Glowstick laughs it off, and says to Candle that Pitchfork digs him. At one point, Sock kicks Bouncy Ball towards Team 1, kicking off Bacon, Roe, and Glowstick. Later, Jelly kicks Glassy onto Team 1's block, where Glassy then latches onto Candle, only for Coconut to hit Glassy off using Pill. Aggravated by Glassy, Coconut demands revenge against Team 6. In response, Album asks how they're going to do that, while still speaking in subtitles. While Coconut is confused by this, Chocolate Chip correctly assesses that, since Album was unknown to Oodle when the competition first started, she was never given a voice. Coconut decides to use Album's subtitles as a weapon. Pill states that Team 6 is drifting towards their ice block, so Coconut, quick on the draw, tells Album to spiel on about her favorite metal bands. The ensuing speech from Album forms a great wall of text. When Team 6 becomes distracted by Showery thinking of a plan, Chocolate Chip urges Coconut to enact his plan. Coconut grabs onto Album's subtitles and hits Team 6's block, throwing everyone except Showery into the water and cracking the ice block greatly. The ensuing series of events leads to the members of Team 6 swiftly losing, making Team 1 safe in the process.
Smarter & Boulder[]
During the challenge, Album witnesses Team 5 losing their progress, and calls for Team 1 to get a move on. Coconut interjects, calling Album an attention hog and tells her to get in line, as he is the "leader." Album asks who "died and made him leader", with Coconut bluntly saying nobody made him leader, but Flaggy did die. Flaggy suddenly interjects, much to the two's surprise. She says that Yarn helped her stitch herself back together; Album questions the color of the patch, but is shut down by Yarn. Coconut tries to get everyone back on track, but the rest of the members are scattered. Album points out that Pill is taking care of Roe, Candle is trying to get Blanket to talk more, Bacon is practicing his lasso skills on Chocolate Chip, and Glowstick is oddly setting up a picnic. At one point, Glowstick manages to call Pitchfork over to his picnic, where she snaps at him and tells Glowstick to leave her alone, which Glowstick misinterprets as Pitchfork breaking up with him. As a result of this conversation, Glowstick falls into a catatonic state. As the rest of the teams complete the challenge in quick succession, Team 1 remains one of the last two teams, facing against Team 5. As Team 5 picks up steam, Album begins to become nervous. Coconut walks over to Album, who interrupts and asks where he was. Coconut admits that the team refuses to listen to him, and so he asks Album to "use her voice". Album lets out a metal scream and goes into an inspiring speech that manages to rally almost everyone together. They begin pushing the boulder up, but leave behind Glowstick and Roe. Team 5 reassembles their boulder, but are not able to complete the challenge due to missing Pear. Team 1 zooms past him and reaches the summit, but are similarly unable to finish due to still missing Roe and Glowstick. The race for last place begins; Pill denigrates himself for deserting Roe, but Bacon swiftly catches her with his lasso, roping Roe towards the top. Glowstick remains lying on the ground, still in his depressive slump from Pitchfork's "breakup". Coconut is forced to carry Glowstick, and Team 1 attempt to rush back up to the mountain. Pitchfork, fearing that Team 1 will reach the summit before Pear, throws Hanger as a distraction, scattering the members of Team 1, knocking Blanket off the mountain, and causing Hanger to fly away. In the resulting chaos, Pear finally makes it up the mountain. Team 5 is declared the last team safe, and Team 1 declared the losers of the challenge. Despite their failure, Coconut congratulates Album for her team-building efforts, and proposes a possible "joint leadership" of the team between them in the future. Album is confident in her newfound abilities, but is quickly cut down by Hanger boomeranging and causing another scratch right across Album's face. Whoopee Cushion laughs at Album's misfortune, causing Coconut to punch him.
Get a Grip[]
Oodle gets up and wipes the dust off his body. He then turns to talk towards Team 1, the losers of last episode's challenge. Oodle declares that they gained 5,124 votes, to which Album questions the validity of the votes. Oodle retorts by stating his trust in the audience, but Chocolate Chip notes that Oodle doesn't look confident in the votes. He passes this off, and states that the prize are a random assortment of balls. The first character safe is Album, who survives the elimination with 105 votes. She gets thrown a tennis ball, yelping in fear of another scratch. Bacon expresses his disdain, asking why Album was so "lily-livered" at a "pansy throw." The next safe are Flaggy and Candle, with 115 and 119 votes respectively. Flaggy gets hit with a dodgeball, Candle with a basketball. Next safe is Pill, with 161 votes. Oodle throws him a soccer ball at comically slow speeds, but Pill, due to his poor vision, is unable to see the ball. The ball suddenly speeds up and hits Pill at full force. Bacon and Blanket are also safe, again with 279 and 293 votes respectively. Bacon demands Oodle hit him with his best shot, to which Oodle responds by throwing him the entire cage with a baseball in it. Bacon gets hit, and is sent flying. Blanket also gets the same treatment, being sent a bowling ball, and miraculously catches it, leaving streakmarks on her platform. She astounds everyone. Coconut is safe with 401 votes, and gets thrown Bouncy Ball. He kicks her away. Chocolate Chip is safe with 627 votes as well, and is thrown a football. Chocolate Chip ducks and the ball goes flying at Glove. The final two are Roe and Glowstick, who Oodle describes as the two people that cost Team 1 the challenge. Oodle tells Tivo to start counting the votes, and the camera switches between him, Roe, and Glowstick frantically. Finally, it is revealed that Roe had 1,429 votes and Glowstick had 1,595 votes. Glowstick becomes the second character eliminated from Animated Inanimate Battle. Glowstick laments his loss, blaming himself for his own elimination. Oodle goes up to Roe in reporter garb and interviews her about the cutthroat elimination. Roe says nothing. Glowstick then tells Coconut to give Pitchfork a picture frame with him and her in it, to which Coconut reluctantly obliges. Glowstick accepts his fate, and Oodle begins to suck him into the Doodleverse, before screaming out that he could have probably given the frame himself. Coconut walks with the picture frame and into Pitchfork, who was creeping on the elimination. Coconut then gives her the frame Glowstick gave him, and walks away. Pitchfork looks as the picture, initially with anger and resentment, but she turns pensive, and finally, remorseful. They got a Glowstick plush in the challenge, but the challenge begins with a rocky start as Blanket slowly and carefully operates her claw and latches onto Album, but losing grip of her and ends up scratching her in the process. But nonetheless, Team 1 managed to become safe.
During the art challenge, Coconut flings Chocolate Chip into the air and starts to use her as a crayon. Flaggy and Album questions his method and Pill's eyes are already scarred despite being able to see clearly again. Bacon says it's better her used as a crayon than him and Candle. Candle tells him to speak for himself since she's made of crayon her self, being a wax candle. She sighs in relief when Coconut finishes. He calls over Farty to rate their art. They don't understand him at first since he speaks "Fartese", so Antimatter translates for them. Flaggy acknowledges it as the beauty of multiculturalism. He says that it's meh, the technique is fine but it lacks pizzazz. He rates it a 5/10, angering Coconut and even driving him to strike Farty with Fireball's Pickaxe. Once Farty is finish giving Team 6 the highest score of 10/10, Coconut sneaks up and attempts to hit him with the pickaxe, but instead is flung into a loop and cracks in half. Blanket sees it as karma, but Album doesn't think it covers everything he's done. Once the challenge ends, and he and Chocolate Chip are recovered, she kicks him in the crotch. She yells at him to never use her as a crayon again as he winces in pain.
Sun Blocked[]
During the heatwave, Chocolate Chip complains about the heat almost turning her into chocolate sauce. Coconut comments that he's a tropical fruit but it's too hot even for him, also wondering where Oodle is. He's seen to be in a new house that he's made for himself. Later, when the contestants throw a pool party at the beach, Album and Coconut are playing volleyball with Frisbee and Ketchup. Album attempts at trash talking before the match starts, but fails and Coconut yells to serve the ball. As Album goes to hit the ball, Coconut accidentally smacks her into the net, causing her to get a multitude of scratches. When she looks into her reflection in the water, she lets out a loud and horrified scream. When the sun breaks, everyone panics, but luckily Oodle fixed the sun enough to where they don't freeze to death. The challenge starts and Candle lights herself to make sure they can see through the pitch black darkness. She asks if Blanket thinks it's cool, but she shyly doesn't respond. Candle tells her that she can't keep locking herself away from the team, and that she's her new project after helping Pill with his eyesight. Coconut follows up in that statement by asking if anyone had seen Album after the volleyball incident. Album is away from the team looking in her mirror and berating her looks. That's when a mysterious shadowy figure appears and tells her to not be so bold about her current predicament. Album is initially startled by his sudden appearance. Shade ends up giving her some anti-scratch cream, on the house. She is overjoyed, but before he leaves, she asks for his name. He reveals his name to be Shade before bidding farewell, for now. Album applies the cream to herself, clearing up all of her scratches. Flaggy and the rest of the team finds her and Album informs them that she's feeling much better. Candle is happy to hear that and even points out that her face is clearing up. Album pretends to not notice before leading the team to find the sun piece. Later, Album is frustrated that they haven't found the sun piece and furiously scratches herself from the irritating cream. Meanwhile, Candle has abruptly died due to her wax melting, but Flaggy assume they need to relight her. Bacon advises the team to keep their eyes peeled and their heart rate down because the creatures of the night can smell desperation, but negates this as Album is now glowing brightly as she applies cream and scratches her itches. Chocolate Chip, Flaggy, Pill and Roe are all blinded and astonished by her new radiant look, and Chocolate Chip laughs and calls her "New Candle." Album continues to apply the cream onto herself and pretends to not notice any of her side effects. Coconut and Pill points out that she's been acting strangely ever since they found her with that weird cream she's been using. Album continues to pretend that nothing is wrong while at the same time admitting that she found cream that clears her scratches and has some adverse side effects. The team then agrees that all of that is shady. Album mishears this as "Shade" and tries to act like she doesn't know him. Bacon is confused even more by this, but among all of the commotion, Blanket has found the final sun piece at the beach. She swiftly swims to the ice block which had the sun piece, but only to be met up by Telescope. As they briefly quarrel, a fight ensues as Blanket finally stops holding back and they fight for the sun piece, both Team 1 and Team 3 cheer for their respective side but in the mist of it all, Roe is finally free from her leash, via a knife, and runs to the ocean. Album meanwhile, is still scratching herself from the cream, and after a small talk with Brick, is heart warmed and decides she doesn't need the cream. Brick takes a look at the label and it is reveal that the reason she's all glowing and uncomfortable is because the cream is combustible. Album bursts into flames and runs around the beach screaming is agony. She accidentally runs straight into Farty, as both teams panic, they are blown to smithereens. Team 1 ends up losing because of Cork's strange ability to survive the explosion. Album apologizes for causing the dilemma, but Coconut points out that nearly all of her scratches are gone, but Bacon points out that she still has her very first one. Album is now okay with having her scratch, saying that she's just "Album with a little bit more fight to her", and Brick winks at her. Meanwhile, Candle, Chocolate Chip, and Flaggy are celebrating Blanket finally not holding back. She blushes from the overwhelming amount of compliments and vows to help Team 1 more in any way she can. Pill, despite having lost, is glad everything turned out okay, but finally notices that Roe is missing. He goes around frantically looking for her, but to no avail. As he falls in defeat on Team 2 Mountain, he screams her name in anguish.
- This team is the second team to lose in the series.
- This team is the first team to lose a challenge twice.
- They’re currently the only team that hasn’t gotten 1st in a challenge.