Animated Inanimate Battle Wiki


Starlight Espresso


AIB 6 redirects here.

Starlight Espresso is the 6th episode of Animated Inanimate Battle. It is the first episode of Season 1B, and is most likely a musical episode.




Contestant Votes Contestant votes
Album Icon Album TBA TBA
Bacon Icon Bacon TBA TBA
Blanket Icon Blanket TBA TBA
Candle Icon Candle TBA TBA
Chocolate Chip Icon Chocolate Chip TBA TBA
Coconut Icon Coconut TBA TBA
Flaggy Icon Flaggy TBA TBA
Pill Icon Pill TBA TBA
Roe Icon Roe TBA TBA


  • Due to the hiatus, this episode is the first time an episode has took over a year to make.
  • If Bacon, Coconut, or Pill is eliminated, this will be the 5th episode in a row with a male character eliminated.
  • If Album, Blanket, Candle, Chocolate Chip or Flaggy is eliminated, they will be the first female character eliminated from the show.
  • If Bacon, Candle or Flaggy get eliminated, they will be the first armless contestant eliminated from the show.
  • If Bacon, Coconut, Pill or Chocolate Chip is eliminated, they will be the third food contestant eliminated.
  • If Pill gets eliminated, he'll be the first multicolored contestant eliminated from the show.
  • This will be the first episode of Season 1B.
  • Lyre, Album, and/or Filmy(high chance) might star in this episode due to them being related to music.
