Animated Inanimate Battle Wiki

This is the list of production music in Animated Inanimate Battle.

List of Production Music[]

Cover Title Composer Listen Notes
Bounce house "Bounce House" Robert Johnston Current Version: AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_"Bounce_House"
Pilot Version:
Plays as the credits theme. The current version includes a bass, and motif to the show and is used in Smarter & Boulder and onwards; the one without bass is used in The Pilot and An Ice Beginning.
N/A "Getting Weird" Robert Johnston N/A Plays when characters are in a weird situation. Plays in An Ice Beginning and Get A Grip.
N/A "Planet Millennia" Riley Cooke Debuted in An Ice Beginning.
Voters take note "Voters, Take Note" Robert Johnston AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_"Voters,_Take_Note" Plays on the voting screen.
N/A "Season 1A Theme Song" Robert Johnston Animated_Inanimate_Battle_-_FULL_INTRO Plays as the theme song for the show. Slightly tweaked in Sun Blocked.
Caboose "Caboose" Robert Johnston AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_Caboose This song is Yarn's theme. First used in the cold open of Smarter & Boulder.
Defunked "DeFunked" Robert Johnston AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_DeFunked First used in Smarter & Boulder.
N/A N/A Robert Johnston N/A An unknown song/jingle that was played at the end credits scene in Smarter & Boulder. It is the AIB Theme played in minor key(?).
N/A "Touchy Feely Crud" Robert Johnston N/A First used in Get a Grip.
N/A "Arcadium" Robert Johnston N/A First used in Get a Grip.
N/A "To The Point" zoomi N/A First used in Fartists, during the scene where Pear confronts Oodle.
Aib st cover motd "March of the Desolate" zoomi AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_March_of_the_Desolate Early Version (March of Desertion): First used in Fartists. Used as Team 6's theme.
N/A N/A Robert Johnston N/A An unknown song/jingle that was played in the mid-credits scene in Fartists, during the scene where Alef finds a paint can with an upside-down red triangle marking.
N/A "Technical Difficulties" Robert Johnston N/A First used in Sun Blocked.
N/A "Dirty Dealings" Riley Cooke N/A First used in Sun Blocked.
Aib st cover bathtub inverted "Bathtub, Inverted" zoomi AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_Bathtub,_Inverted First used in Sun Blocked when Team 5 falls into Spore's cave.
Aib st cover a muscaria "A. Muscaria" zoomi AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_A._Muscaria This song is Spore's theme. First used in Sun Blocked, when Spore jumps Team 5 in her cave.
Aib st cover lgk "Laundromat Go-Kart zoomi AIB_OFFICIAL_SOUNDTRACK-_Laundromat_Go-Kart First used in Sun Blocked, when Blanket and Telescope have their fight over the last sun piece before Farty explodes.
N/A "Breaking Point" Robert Johnston N/A First used in Sun Blocked.