Fartists |
"Fartists" is the fourth episode of Animated Inanimate Battle.
The contestants get a little artsy-fartsy, if you know what I mean!
Cold Open[]
Oodle, dressed in doctor's garb, is seen proctoring an eye exam to Pill. Pill horribly fails the exam, with his eyesight being blinder than a bat. Oodle allows him to pick a variety of frames. Pill ends up landing on a simple pair of blue square frames.
Before the Elimination[]
Meanwhile, Team 3 is ascending Team 2 Mountain, attempting to create an alliance with a peace offering: banana bread. Recycling Bin doubts the efficacy of the plan, but Salami rebuffs said doubts. Telescope questions the lack of a banana scent from the bread; Mitten states that the bananas were eaten by Cinnamon Bun. Suddenly, Cinnamon Bun emerges from Mitten's back, much to Team 3's disgust, most particularly drawing the ire of Recycling Bin. Cinnamon Bun pelts Recycling Bin with a rock, denting her and making her fall over.
At the top of the mountain, Team 2 is heavily guarding their cabin. Team 3 offers their banana bread, but Team 2 refuses it on the grounds of it not being lemon and/or square shaped. As such, Sock kicks one of the boulders and it rolls down the mountain, taking the whole of Team 3 with it. When they reach the base of the mountain, Cork trips over a small pebble and the boulder rolls right over him. Cork is first perceived as dead, but surprises everyone when he stands up, completely flattened into a circular formation.
Elimination Time[]
Team 5 (except for Pear) is standing at the elimination area. Oodle announces that they received 6584 votes, and the prizes are chocolate chip cookies. Domino notices Pear is missing. He tries to interject but is interrupted by a series of events, including the elimination itself. When Oodle gets to the final two, Pitchfork and Pear, Domino is finally able to catch his attention, telling him that Pear is absent from the podiums.
Apricot uses his Pear Detector to detect Pear, but like the actual Pear, it fails to do anything. Oodle runs off to find Pear himself, eventually finding Pear taking a siesta on a rock.
Oodle attempts to coerce Pear to come to the elimination, but the latter's exasperation is clear. Pear explains that, in his perspective, Oodle forced everyone to play a "silly childish game" which only put everyone at each other's throats. Tensions rise, as Pear backs Oodle towards the Doodleverse portal. Pear is fuming, declaring that he is quitting the game, and snaps at Oodle, calling the rules, challenges, and even Oodle himself "pointless".
Oodle doesn't take it lightly; he snaps, and without a word, picks Pear up, and chucks him into the canvas. Pear becomes the third contestant eliminated from Animated Inanimate Battle.
Everyone else is in shock. Oodle orders Tivo to withhold the final two votes, declaring Pitchfork safe and running off to prepare the challenge. Tivo asks Pitchfork if she wanted to see the votes, but she runs off too, but only after picking up Glowstick's dropped rose. Tivo puts the votes away in a folder for later.
The contestants are all standing around a long wooden table. Nothing else is happening. Chocolate Chip impatiently asks where Oodle is. Lyre says whatever he may doing will be marvelous. Album is confused that someone as powerful as Oodle isn't on time and Sock suggests waiting it out. Tumbleweed passes by with his usual "Pardon", urging Sock to tell him to say something else.
Oodle then arrives, apologizing for his tardiness. He announces that the next challenge is an art contest, much to Glue's happiness, and Ketchup remarks on the relative tameness of the challenge compared to the last three. Brain asks what they'd exactly be drawing, and Oodle begins surveying the contestants for his "muse." His eyes stop on Farty, enamored by his curves, chiselled jawline, and stench of confidence.
Before Oodle can explain the challenge, he opens a paint can and is promptly attacked by a paint monster. The paint monster destroys all the supplies, and it scuttles away behind Team 2 Mountain.
The Challenge[]
Oodle is dismayed initially, but resolves the issue quickly thereafter.
An instructional video by Tivo appears, with Oodle explaining the challenge. The contestants will be painting Farty, but instead of using art supplies, they have to use their fellow contestants as art supplies. When their piece is done, Farty will rate the contestants' art pieces on a scale of 1 to 10. Highest rated art will win the challenge, lowest rated art will be "in deep trouble".
After Creamy complains about using contestants as art supplies, Oodle announces the prize to be a pizza party. Everyone loses their minds.
You Cannot Rush Art[]
Chocolate Chip is idling, suddenly Coconut picks her up, throws her in the air and grasps her again and starts grinding her against the paper. Chocolate Chip screams in pain. Coconut quickly rushes a drawing of Farty, tossing Chocolate Chip to the side, and calls him over to rate the art.
Farty gives his answer, but his answer is wholly unintelligible to Team 1. Antimatter steps up and begins acting as Farty's translator. Farty says Team 1's art is "meh," saying it lacks “pizzazz” and rates it a 5/10. Coconut is irate.
Glue and Nabla begin pestering Alef by calling him "Aleph." Leek, Lyre, and Envelope join in, wondering why the name aggravates him (while calling him “Aleph”). Alef gets aggravated by this, and is even more aggravated when Glue and Nabla taking over the challenge. Glue is quick on her toes, using herself and Ketchup as the paint and Toothpick and Leek as the paintbrushes.
Package has come up with an ingenious solution to the leadership problem Team 6 faces. She introduces the Leader Wheel, planning to spin it every challenge to randomly decide which member of their team will lead them through the challenge. The wheel has a heavy bias towards Package though, giving her more than a third of the wheel. Popsicle Stick, then leaves the team, saying that it creates an unfair and unbalanced hierarchy. She abandons the team for Team 2, but likely because of Jelly. After that happens, the team spins the wheel, landing on Showery.
On Team 2, Sock attempts to get Chalk to draw for them. Oodle interrupts them, asking if they've seen Bouncy Ball after she stole some limbs from the limb pile. After they say that they have no idea where she is, Oodle leaves; shortly thereafter, Bouncy Ball jumps out of Safe. She unintentionally insults Safe by insinuating that she's “roomy” or big. The latter trudges off, only for Popsicle Stick to arrive in her place.
Nine is attempting to use Brick as a painting tool. Recycling Bin and Mitten are heard arguing with each other. Team 3 walks over to the two. Recycling Bin demands Salami do something about Cinnamon Bun, after she nearly hit her with a sharp rock. Mitten defends her, saying that it's good for her to stretch her legs after being with Oodle for so long. Recycling Bin then calls on Mitten to put CB on a leash, with Salami agreeing solemnly. Mitten acquiesces. He ties Cinnamon Bun to a fencepost that also has Roe tied to it with one of Bacon's lassos.
Fireball suggests that Apricot's insides be used as the paint, with Apricot immediately shutting down said idea. Chip Bag tries to say something about Pitchfork to Domino, but Domino shuns Pitchfork off, calling her a "liability". Fireball goes in to swing her pickaxe at Apricot. When she swings, suddenly the pickaxe is gone and instead Fireball flips and falls on her face. She gets up and is distraught as Mr. Pickaxe is missing. Apricot sighs in relief as Coconut is shown vengefully dragging Mr. Pickaxe.
Being unable to use Apricot as their paint, Team 5 thinks up of another solution to their art problem. Gold Nugget suggests using Creamy as the paint. Creamy tries to deflect the idea, but the rest of Team 5 creeps up to her and viciously tears her apart. When they step away, Creamy is dead and everyone has some cream in their hands.
Popsicle Stick is adamant to joining Team 2, despite Hailstone professing her doubts about it. Both Oodle and Jelly are ambivalent to it. Suddenly, Bouncy Ball comes out of nowhere, wiping her newly-found hands and feet on Hailstone and Jelly, creating a watercolor image of Farty on the mat.
Alef mopes about his usurpation from Team 4. He is comforted by Frisbee and Ketchup, with the former proposing a "bro-liance" between the three. Alef regains his composure, and begins marching back to the team attempting to regain his place back. He tries to take Leek away from Nabla in an attempt to participate in the challenge, but then they accidentally snap Leek in half. He becomes even more embarrassed.
Team 6 squeezes out the food dyes, draining them out of any liquid. Both of them croak immediately and fall to the floor. Meanwhile, Shot Put is trying to think, noticing that someone's missing from the team. He finally remembers Glassy is still dead, and runs off to get Oodle to recover her. Oodle originally says that the challenge isn't over, so she can't be recovered yet, only for Shot Put to point out that she perished last challenge. Oodle recovers her, but Glassy falls down and breaks again. Oodle chuckles and makes another recovery panel significantly lower down. Glassy gets recovered. When she gets recovered, she notices Cinnamon Bun, becoming slowly resentful against her.
Lacking any other options, Team 3 decide to recruit Bone for the challenge. Telescope is skeptical about it, but Team 3 rebuffs his concerns. However, when Bone begins drawing, he asks for help from an unknown source, turning his eyes red once again. Telescope notices.
Fart Critic[]
Team 5 finishes second; Farty rates their art a 6/10. Due to it using Creamy’s pink color on white paper, it was said to be “hard to see”, but had a “good use of space.”
Bouncy Ball is seen hiding behind Yarn, as Farty rates Team 2's art a 7/10 with an “interesting but appealing style.” Oodle manages to lure her out by pretending to want to congratulate her exceptional artistic talent. Oodle yoinks Bouncy Ball after successfully luring her out and removes all her limbs. She is no longer OctoBall.
Farty comes over to Team 3. Bone has drawn a 3D Farty using blue and red crayon. Farty is impressed, and gives the team a 10/10. Two points are docked for not using teammates as art supplies, but regardless, the team (apart from Telescope) congratulates Bone for granting them another victory.
That is, until Team 6 shows off their yin-yang style Farty to the judge. Farty gasp-farts and turns into a heart, showing his genuine love for the piece, giving Team 6 a full 10/10-- and their first win. Showery realizes what he had just done.
Coconut suddenly comes in and swings Mr. Pickaxe onto Farty, but the pickaxe goes through him. Instead, Coconut spins around as the pickaxe gets closer to his body and eventually grinds it, splitting him apart. This also led to Chip Bag's finish when she tried to catch the pickaxe. Blanket thinks he deserved it as karma, but Album doubts it.
Cinnamon Bun escapes her "prison" by taking a nail file from Roe's mouth. She skips along until she gets to Whoopee Cushion, standing guard. Whoopee Cushion snickers, then winks to the camera. He moves to the side, letting her through. Cinnamon Bun blissfully keeps skipping onward as he laughs to himself. Team 4 is just about finished with their piece, until Cinnamon Bun accidentally becomes stuck on their art. Mitten rushes over, and along with Team 4, tries to get her out.
Alef slowly manuevers his way around the art to get to Cinnamon Bun. Nabla gives half of Leek to him, and he tells Cinnamon Bun to grab onto Leek's piece. She falters though and instead rips up the two spots of paper where her feet were. Alef is dumbfounded.
Nabla and Glue sarcastically congratulate him for "saving the day." He gets lashes out at them in return, but slips and falls over onto the art, becoming stuck himself. Frisbee holds out a javelin and tries to softly lift him up but instead over-calculates and shoots Alef and the paper WAY up into the air. They come back down, but upside down. Alef scrambles trying to get out from under the paper. Nabla, Glue and Whoopee Cushion start laughing uncontrollably, while Frisbee and Ketchup gives them angry glances. Alef shreds the art in half and is now fuming with anger. Nabla starts demeaning him, calling it sweet revenge for everything he's done to her. Alef approaches them, with an expression of pure raw anger, with Nabla and Glue scared of what he might do. Then it falters. Alef pushes the two aside somberly, and walks off.
Farty and Antimatter come across Team 4's art, with Toothpick attempting to pass it off as "impressionist" to the judges' distressed faces. Farty lets out an aggressive fart rating, judging it a 3/10, calling it the worst rating they can give because they aren't "monsters". The two judges leave Team 4. Envelope blames Whoopee Cushion for the catastrophe, which the latter brushes off because "Who's keeping track?"
Oodle recovers everyone that died over the course of the challenge. Chocolate Chip, Coconut, Leek, Chip Bag, Creamy, Orange Food Dye and Yellow Food Dye. Coconut and Chocolate Chip fall to the ground. Chocolate Chip kicks him in the groin, still angry about him using her as a crayon.
Oodle announces the winner of the challenge: Team 6, with a 10/10 rating. They rush to enjoy the pizza party, with Popsicle Stick attempting to go over to the table. Yellow stops her, denying her entry since she bolted for Team 2 earlier. Popsicle Stick sighs and walks away. Yellow stares at her with a smug expression; Orange looks at her from behind with a look of concern.
Meanwhile, Oodle declares Team 4, who got a 3/10, up for elimination. Glue and Nabla are remorseful; Glue suggests apologizing to Alef, but Nabla then says he may not accept their apology. Leek chimes in, saying that it probably won't stop the viewers from voting him off.
Suddenly, Frisbee and Ketchup come to Alef's defense, asking why the viewers are the one to eliminate someone. Ketchup argues that the contestants themselves should have the say in who stays and who goes. Oodle is initially hesitant towards the idea, but after getting angry glares from Team 5, he instead announces that Team 4 will be participating in the first ever contestant vote, with the viewers voting on a member of Team 4 to receive a prize.
The Triangle[]
Alef grumbles to himself as he walks away. He encounters the paint can from earlier that birthed the paint monster. He growls and kicks the can hard. The can falls back down and rolls on its side. He walks up to it, and is suddenly intrigued. He picks up the paint can. Alef is dumb-founded at what he's looking at: a red, upside-down triangle that resembles none other than Nabla.
Pizza Party[]
Everyone on Team 6 (sans Popsicle Stick) is full and satisfied. Shot Put is full, but goes for another piece regardless. Instead of eating a slice of pizza, however, he eats a big glob of cheese which he then realizes was from Nacho. Nacho then looks up with uncharacteristic surprise, and starts screaming in paranoia.
Ending Words[]
Pardon. - Tumbleweed
A total of 6,584 votes were casted last episode, an increase of 128.49% from last time and up by 1,460 votes. This was the last viewer-based elimination of the show (for now), as AIB 5 onwards will feature contestant-based eliminations.
Contestant | Votes | Percentage | |
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Chip Bag | 53 | 0.81% |
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Antimatter | 157 | 2.38% |
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Apricot | 167 | 2.54% |
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Fireball | 209 | 3.17% |
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Domino | 276 | 4.19% |
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Filmy | 312 | 4.74% |
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Creamy | 413 | 6.27% |
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Gold Nugget | 1,142 | 17.35% |
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Pitchfork | 1,143-3,855 (Unknown) | 17.36%-58.55% |
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1,143-3,855 (Unknown) | 17.36%-58.55% |

The title of AIB 4 in Wingdings, converted to text.
- The title of the episode was revealed in a community post made on Groink's channel. The text was hidden in Wingdings font on the promotional poster; the revealed text can be seen to the right.
- The episode was originally meant to release on November 19th. It was delayed to the 21st to make sure everything gets done and is of a substantial quality'.
- This episode was the first episode of Patreon supporters being able to see upcoming sneak peeks of the episode. One of these includes the first full scene of the episode.
- This is the first episode to have a contestant vote and vote to win a prize at the end.
- This is also the first episode to reach the 30-minute mark.
- This is also the first (or only) episode to have two stingers.
- Pitchfork is the only contestant to not have a line this episode.
- This is the first episode where teams try to make an alliance.
- In the cover art,Farty on the painting looks like a number 4,which is the episode number.
- During the elimination, Oodle states that he cannot do cursive. However, he has written his name out in cursive with his arm in "An Ice Beginning". This could just be 'early installment weirdness', though, as "An Ice Beginning" was written in 2018 after "The Pilot" was finished.
- At 13:08, Chocolate Chip has one arm for a short time.
- At 30:55, Whoopee Cushion briefly switches his asset to an older variation.
- At 20:34, Apricot Had Three Legs/Arms As He Is Holding Creamy's Remains.
- At 27:45, Cinnamon Bun names the fencepost a pole even tho it’s not
- At 29:08, the paper ripped incorrectly
Continuity references[]
- Bouncy Ball retains her limbs and is still known as "Octoball" after the stinger of AIB 3. She loses her limbs in the episode.
- Glassy is still dead, as a result of Oodle forgetting to recover her.
- Chip Bag is still in her bubble wrap suit.
- Album still got three scratches.
Cultural references[]
- At 3:31, Mitten's facial expression mimics that of Principal Skinner from The Simpsons episode "Bart the Genius Part 1", aka the Skinner "Pathetic" meme.
- When Oodle announces that Creamy is safe during the elimination, he says it in a similar way that Four in BFB 15 said "Gaty is safe as well!"
- Coincidentally, both were in the bottom 4 before being declared safe.
- At 6:46, Oodle says "Hey, Pear!" in which Pear replies "Oh god" which references the last two lines of the first Annoying Orange video. Oodle even speaks in the tone of Annoying Orange.
- This same line is also a reference to Pin in the alternative version of BFDI 1a.
- At 8:42, Pear says "YOU'RE POINTLESS" may be a reference to https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/youre-pointless
- At 10:05, Sock yells at Tumbleweed to say something other than "pardon" in which he responds with "never!". This may be a reference to BFDI 20 when the Announcer tells David to say something other than "aw, seriously?", in which he responds with "NO".
There are 8 deaths this episode.
- Coconut uses Chocolate Chip as a crayon.
- Team 5 rips Creamy apart for paint.
- Showery squeezes Orange and Yellow Food Dye to make art.
- Oodle accidentally shatters Glassy after recovering her.
- Coconut cracks himself open with Fireball's pickaxe after failing to slice Farty.
- Chip Bag gets punctured by Mr. Pickaxe.
- Leek gets ripped in half by Alef and Nabla.
Irregular Episodes | The Phantom Menace |
Shorts | Multiple Milestones, Nine Steps Ahead, Drawn Together |
Season 0 | The Pilot |
Season 1A | An Ice Beginning, Smarter & Boulder, Get A Grip, Fartists, Sun Blocked |
Season 1B | Starlight Espresso, AIB 7, AIB 8, AIB 9, AIB 10 |
Season 1C | AIB 11, AIB 12, AIB 13, AIB 14, AIB 15 |