Glassy's Trouble! (CRINGE)
[Creamy walks, and takes a break, then, Glassy walks to see her]
Creamy (sees Glassy) oh, hi, Glassy!
Glassy (smiles) oh, hey, Creamy!
[Glassy sits with Creamy, and becomes evil in a charming way - she bit Creamy, and she had a mischievous grin]
Creamy (yelps, shocked) ow! you bit me! (whimpers)
[Glassy smirks, then, starts to leave, but.. when she was about to leave, the unthinkable happened - she wet her diaper, and Glassy froze as a faint hissing sound broke the silence]
Glassy (starts to cry, and cries) I.. I couldn't hold it..
[Frisbee tried not to laugh, Pitchfork had a mischievous grin, and Coconut smirked]
[The host, then stepped in, and lifted Glassy up, and calms Glassy down, then, rocked her like a baby]
Oodle the Doodle (reassuring) s…
Aqua Steve Honger Forcefields
Aqua Steve Honger Forcefields is the Second Episode of Object Groink.
- 1 Plot
- 1.1 Cold open
- 1.2 Challenge
- 2 Characters
- 2.1 Host
- 2.2 Contestants
- 3 Deaths
The episode abruptly starts with the voting results with Yellow Food Dye getting the most votes of 37. Rawing then jumps in and screams, he then tells Yellow Food Dye to leave until he shoots him.
Eucerin tells them the second challenge is to eat the steak, but the contestants, like Jelly and Popsicle Stick, are unsure about eating the steak. Mitten screamingly mocks the two, saying he'll eat the steak himself. He then lunges at it before it cuts to the eliminated screen.
- Rawing
- Apricot
- Creamy
- Flaggy
- Jelly (Speaking)
- Mitten (First Speaking)
- Nacho
- Popsicle Stick(First Speaking)
- Yellow Food Dye
- Yellow Food Dye gets sho…
when you act like a groink
when you act like a Groink is the First Episode of Object Groink
- 1 Plot
- 1.1 Cold open
- 1.2 Challenge
- 2 Characters
- 2.1 Host
- 2.2 Contestants
- 3 Trivia
The host, Rawing, greets the viewers and introduces them to the show and the eight contestants.
Rawing tells them to do the challenge, which is to make a funny sound. Jelly is the only one to do this, marking the other contestants up for elimination.
- Rawing
- Apricot
- Creamy
- Flaggy
- Jelly (First Speaking)
- Mitten
- Nacho
- Popsicle Stick
- Yellow Food Dye
- All of the contestants except Jelly in this episode do not speak.
Stacking Up to Conclusions is the second episode of BFAIB. Not much is known except a member of either Poopy Mayonnaise and The Strongest Team on Earth will be eliminated
- 1 Sypnosis
- 2 Plot
- 3 Votes
- 3.1 Poopy Mayonnaise Results
- 3.2 The Strongest Team on Earth's Results
- 4 Characters
- 4.1 Hosts
- 4.2 Another Name Than That
- 4.3 liance
- 4.4 The Strongest Team on Earth
- 4.5 Less Restrained Less Dumb
- 4.6 No Name
- 4.7 BrainShot PutAntimatterYellow Food DyeLyreCorkPearOrange Food DyeDomino
- 4.8 Seribcal
- 4.9 Poopy Mayonnaise
- 4.10 Free Food
- 4.11 NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- 4.12 Well Read
- 4.13 ...
- 4.15 I Don't Have Time For This
- 4.16 Woody
- 5 Trivia
- 5.1 Elimination Hypotheticals
- 6 Transcript
57,767 overall votes have been casted
38,586 votes have been cast for Poopy Mayonnaise
19,181 votes have been…
Total Shape World Island Episode 1: Not So Happy Idiots
Until someone makes a spoiler text template, I would use it now.
- 1 Long Introduction Part
- 2 Parallelogram does some stuff
- 3 The Dumb Idiots
- 4 Pee Pee Poo Poo
- 5 Opening
- 6 Before The Epic Challenge
- 7 The Cabins
- 7.1 Pee Pee Poo Poo
- 7.2 Dumb Idiots
- 8 Challenge 1
- 9 Challenge 2
- 10 Dinner
- 11 Elimination time
- 12 Votes
- 12.1 Revote
- 13 Stinger
- 14 The dumb idiots
- 15 Pee pee poo poo
Parallelogram: Hey welcome to Total Shape World Island where I escaped prison, here are teh contestants.
A Boat comes.
Circle: Hi I'm circle, and I'm gonna win.
Flash: Doubt it.
Circle: Grrrrrrrr.
Flash: Lol.
Parallelogram: Flash, get out! You come later!
Flash gets flung and another boat comes.
Square: Ok.
15804aaa: Grrrrrrrr.
Another boat comes.
Jelly: Hey guys, I'm so excited to compete in Shape World!
Circle: I'm winn…
Shape World Epic Fan Season All Episodes
I'm so bored lol, time for another thing to get cancelled
- 1 Epic Contestants
- 2 Opening!!!!!!!!!!
- 3 Everyone's dead
- 4 Shape World Babies
- 5 Challenge
- 6 Opening
- 7 Elimination
- 8 Epic contestants
- 9 Before the challenge
- 10 Challenge
- 11 Vote the best!!!!!!!!!!
- 12 Epic contestants
- 13 Opening
- 14 Elimination
- 15 Challenge
- 16 Vote to kill
- 17 Stinger
- 18 Opening
- 19 Elimination
- 20 Epic contestants
- 21 Not the challenge
- 22 Challenge
- 23 Vote to die
- 24 Opening
- 25 Elimination
- 26 Epic contestants
- 27 Before the challenge
- 29 Opening
- 30 Winner reveal
- 31 Epic contestants
- 32 Total Shape World Island Contestants
Circle: Yay, I'm living and it's really peaceful!
Pentagon: DIE!!
Circle: Nooooooooooo*dies*
Triangle: Smelly poo.
Pentagon: You die too!!!
Pentagon kills every…
AIB Team 1 (BFAIB)
AIB Team 1 is the first team formed and named in BFAIB. Unlike the original AIB Team 1, this team has 11 members and the members of this team are a lot different.
- 1 Members
- 2 Eliminations
- 3 Coverage
- 4 Wins and Losses
- 5 Vote History
- 6 Trivia
- This is the second team that Toothpick, Envelope, Glue and Whoopee Cushion have been on
- This is also the second team that Pitchfork, Chip Bag and Gold Nugget have been on
- This is also the second team that Chalk, and Yarn have been on
- If counting her switch to Team 2 in AIB 4, this is also the second team Popsicle Stick has been on with Yarn and Chalk
An Ice Beginning is the first episode of Battle For Animated Inanimate Battle
- 1 Sypnosis
- 2 Plot
- 3 Challenge Results
- 4 Characters
- 4.1 Hosts
- 4.2 Another Name Than That
- 4.3 liance
- 4.4 The Strongest Team on Earth
- 4.5 Less Restrained Less Dumb
- 4.6 No Name
- 4.7 BrainShot PutAntimatterYellow Food DyeLyreCorkPearOrange Food DyeDomino
- 4.8 Seribcal
- 4.9 Poopy Mayonnaise
- 4.10 Free Food
- 4.11 NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
- 4.12 Well Read
- 4.13 ...
- 4.15 I Don't Have Time For This
- 5 Deaths
- 6 Trivia
- 7 Transcript
- Oodle (Host)
- TiVo (Cohost)
- Chip Bag
- Whoopee Cushion
- Envelope
- Glue
- Toothpick
- Pitchfork
- Popsicle Stick
- Yarn
- Chalk
- Gold Nugget
- Paint Monster
- Glove
- Glowstick
- Jelly
- Cinnamon Bun
- Alef
- Shade
- Bacon
- Leek
- Hanger
- Apricot
- Flaggy
- Frisbee
- Filmy
- Chocolate Chip
- Album
- Blanket
- Package
- Farty
- Brick
- Coconut
- Raisin
- Tumbleweed
- Bouncy Ball
- Pill…
The AIB fandom is DEAD!,!
Im kidding, I just haven’t seen many new fans mainly due to the hiatus
To anyone reading this, who is your favorite character in each team and why?
heres mine
TEAM 1 : Album, I can appreciate the small arc! I also like how she is really level headed!
TEAM 2: Safe, I feel she is getting enough attention when she is so obviously gonna get character development its been brewing since AIB 3.
TEAM 3: Just in general my favorite team and I love all the character in it, but I’ll just say I love bone so much.
TEAM 4: ENVELOPE IS SO COOL. Tho I’d also say glue! I don’t know I just like her :)
TEAM 5: I feel pretty neutral with everyone on team 5 but just for convenience I’ll say apricot! I like they developed him in AIB 5 a bit.
TEAM 6: …
|prize=Team 4’s Blood Cereal|cake=Team 4’s Blood Cereal|previous=BFAIB 5|next=BFAIB 7}} BFAIB 6 is the sixth episode of BFAIB not much is known except a member from Death P.A.C.T. And Team 4 would be eliminated
- 1 Plot
- 2 Votes
- 2.1 Death P.A.C.T.’s Results
- 2.2 Team 4’s Results
- 3 Trivia
- 4 Transcript
55,971 votes were cast for Death P.A.C.T.
69,420 votes have been cast for Team 4
- If Bubble or Blocky gets eliminated
- They will be the second member of the Squishy Cherries to be eliminated
- They would be the first BFDI contestant to be eliminated
- If Flower or Blocky gets eliminated
- They will be the first member of the Squashy Grapes to be eliminated]]
- They would be the first BFDI contestant to be eliminated
- If Bubble or Flower gets eliminated
- They would be the first member of iance to be el…
BFAIB 5 is the fifth episode of battle for animated inanimate battle. Not much is known except it releases on July 8 and a member of AW SERIOUSLY and FreeSmart will be eliminated
- If Pencil, Spongy, Eraser or Golf Ball gets eliminated
- They would be the first BFDI contestants eliminated
- Pencil, Eraser or Spongy will be the first Squishy Cherry eliminated
- Golf Ball would be the first Squashy Grape eliminated
- If Nickel or PuffBall gets eliminated
- They would be the first BFDIA newbie eliminated
- PuffBall or Nickel would be the first No Name member eliminated
- If switching to WOAH bunch counts, Nickel or Spongy would be the first WOAH bunch member eliminated
- If David gets eliminated
- He would be the first BFDI newbie to be eliminated
- If Foldy, Lightning, Gras…
Requests Will Be On DeviantArt
I'll Do:
Random Cameos, Fetishes And Non-Fetishes
I'll Not Do:
Rule 34
Hate Art
The Dumb Idiots
The Dumb Idiots is one of the teams in Total Shape World Island
- Album
- Jelly
- Fireball
- Circle
- Pentagon (21st)
- Baby Circle (22nd)
- Fishy Icon
- Roblox Charactery
- Disembodied Doll Hand
- Dying Firey
- Ball
Total Shape World Island Episode 3: The Big Sleep
- 1 Plot
- 2 Trivia
- 3 Transcript
- 4 Gallery
The intro plays with everyone's assets changed and different, Album having her first scratch.
Disembodied Doll Hand: Look on the bright side, at least I'm not on the boys side of the cabin, it's too chaotic.
In the Pee Pee Poo Poo Girls cabin.
AIB 1 Multi-Animation-Project
The AIB 1 Multi-Animation-Project (or M.A.P) for short is a project by a user on YouTube called KryspinLive. The goal of the project is for fans of Animated Inanimate Battle that can animate (or do animatics) to reanimate the entire full length 25-minute episode of AIB 1 in their animation styles. There are 74 parts spilt for people to choose from in which they want to animate and they can choose up to a max of 3 parts to animate. There isn't much else key things to say but, this M.A.P has been hosted for around 9 months (made on 26/03/22 whilst written on 08/01/23).
- Cartoony Balloony - Part 2
- Savlock - Part 3
- onyx - Part 4 and Part 19
- testbulbz - Part 6
- Tali812 - Part 7
- DevyCola - Part 8 and Part 28
- jupiterstarz - Part 9
- DolFinn - Part 10
- KURBY -…
Every Contestant's Famous Last Words
I wanna do this based on the TV Trope I gotta keep my motivation for this blog as the show could run for a truckload of years
- "I miss my golden years. I only have so much time in this universe and...I was going to wish for my youth back" - Raisin
- "Actually, can I talk to her myself!?" - Glowstick
- "I'm not playing this dumb game anymore, It's pointless, These Challenges are pointless, these rules are pointless, and most of all, you're pointless" - Pear
- "It's always funny when it happens to Someone Else!" - Whoopee Cushion
Request for Rights 2023 and Winter Festival
Hello again, fam.
A bit of a late start this year but the Request for Rights is now open! The rules are the same as last years, and I won't be handing out bureaucrat rights this time around. I do wanna wait till next year or so because once I make someone a bureaucrat, there's no turning back.
You may apply for rights here.
Also, be sure to be on the lookout fore the Winter Festival coming out on the 15th!
Summer Festival 2022 (+ Jade Festival 2022 Tiebreaker)
Hello again, editors! After a very late announcement, the Summer Festival is here for 2022! This time, we are celebrating the release of Sun Blocked, the currently upcoming episode of AIB as of writing. As we wait for Sun Blocked to come out in five days (The premiere is going to start at 10PM where I live), you can participate in the now ongoing art contest right here! Good luck to everyone out there!
Another thing before I end this blog post, I still need to resolve the last art contest's tie. Grapemations and AFlowerBfdiFan's submissions are currently tied, and while it may seem that Grape had one more vote, SussyTheThird's vote does not count since he has a submission on there (the reason why submitters cannot vote is to prevent self-vo…
AIB Characters' names as aircraft registrations
Warning: Some of these registration are already placed on some aircraft, and most of these registration may not fully match with the characters' names.
Total America Animated Inanimate Battle
The top 60 countries in size would battle for whatever they wish for. June 15.
AIB Prediction AIB 5- AIB 10
- 1 AIB 5
- 2 AIB 6
- 3 AIB 7
- 4 AIB 8
- 5 AIB 9
- 6 AIB 10
- 7 Elimination order
Since I can't predict contestant votes, this is my best best.
Alef would get his brolliance to vote on either Nabla or Glue.
Nabla and Glue would vote on Alef along with Whoopee Cushion.
Envelope would get Lyre, leek and Toothpick to vote on Whoopee Cushion.
Here is the order of safety that I randomized.
Team 4
Team 2
Team 1
Team 3
Team 5
Team 6
Oh, boy.
Package would vote on Shot Put. Shot Put and Glassy would vote on package. Package would get Nacho and Showery to vote on Shot Put. Glove, Orange and Yellow would vote on Glassy.
Let's use the randomizer again.
Team 1
Team 6
Team 2
Team 5
Team 3
Team 4.
Alef would get his brolliance and the rest of the team except Nabla and Glue to eliminate Nabla. Nabla …
AIAB 1: An Aggravating Beginning
Oodle: Welcome to Animated Inanimate Alternate Battle. This is the alternate version of AIB. The teams will be altered to 7 teams of 8.
- 1 Team 1
- 2 Team 2
- 3 Team 3
- 4 Team 4
- 5 Team 5
- 6 Team 6
- 7 Team 7
- Album
- Bacon
- Blanket
- Candle
- Chocolate Chip
- Coconut
- Flaggy
- Pill
- Bouncy Ball
- Brain
- Can
- Chalk
- Hanger
- Jelly
- Safe
- Yarn
- Bone
- Cork
- Farty
- Mitten
- Recycling Bin
- Salami
- Teabag
- Telescope
- Alef
- Envelope
- Frisbee
- Glue
- Ketchup
- Leek
- Lyre
- Nabla
- Antimatter
- Apricot
- Creamy
- Domino
- Filmy
- Fireball
- Gold Nugget
- Pitchfork
- Chip Bag
- Glove
- Orange Food Dye
- Package
- Shot Put
- Showery
- Sock
- Yellow Food Dye
- Brick
- Glassy
- Hailstone
- Nacho
- Nine
- Popsicle Stick
- Toothpick
- Whoopee Cushion
Oodle: Now for the first challenge. It's gonna determine the strong and the weak. Now, Tivo's gonna play an annoying song, and that's gonna determine the weak member of the t…
Total Shape World Island Episode 2
Part Two, finally
- 1 Opening
- 2 Before The Epic Challenge
- 3 The Cabins
- 3.1 Pee Pee Poo Poo
- 3.2 Dumb Idiots
- 4 Challenge 1
- 5 Challenge 2
- 6 Dinner
- 7 Elimination time
- 8 Votes
- 8.1 Revote
- 9 Stinger
- 10 The dumb idiots
- 11 Pee pee poo poo
Dear Mom and Dad I'm dying inside,
You guys aren't on my mind.
Thought about what I wanted to be
and now I think the answer is plain to see,
I wanna be Shape World.
I wanna sing the opening,
Go pack your bags, 'cause Circle's already won,
Nothing to prove, everything in my way
I'll get there one day.
Cause, I wanna be Shape World!
Shape world ah ah Shape World Shape World
I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be Shape World
Shape World ah ah Shape World Shape World (as can be heard in the background)
I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be Shape World
(Whistling in tun…
Total Shape World Island Episode 1
Until someone makes a spoiler text template, I would use it now.
- 1 Long Introduction Part
- 2 Parallelogram does some stuff
- 3 The Dumb Idiots
- 4 Pee Pee Poo Poo
Parallelogram: Hey welcome to Total Shape World Island where I escaped prison, here are teh contestants.
A Boat comes.
Circle: Hi I'm circle, and I'm gonna win.
Flash: Doubt it.
Circle: Grrrrrrrr.
Flash: Lol.
Parallelogram: Flash, get out! You come later!
Flash gets flung and another boat comes.
Square: Ok.
15804aaa: Grrrrrrrr.
Another boat comes.
Jelly: Hey guys, I'm so excited to compete in Shape World!
Circle: I'm winning though.
Jelly: Didn't ask.
Another Boat comes.
15804aaa: Shut up!
15804aaa gets flung and another boat comes.
Pentagon: Ha ha, I'm the me…
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 6
- 1 Opening
- 2 Winner reveal
- 3 Epic contestants
- 4 Total Shape World Island Contestants
Triangle: Blanket.
Blankete: Wha?
Triangle: How can we do the finale if Parallelogram is arrested?
15804aaa: I'm back from watching Total Drama!
Hexagon: Oh no not you
15804aaa: Yes me anyway time to reveal the winner
15804aaa: You got -09125301230578123057032809157830285340750320 votes so you don't win
Pentagon: I HATE YOU
15804aaa: Anyway Blanket got 4 votes
Blanket: Yeah!
15804aaa: Time to see how many votes Triangle and Hexagon got
A TV shows up with Triangle and Hexagon's votes randomly going in between 0 and 9
Pentagon: Hurry up!
15804aaa: No
They wait 1 hour
Hexagon: This is boring
Triangle and Hexagon's votes stop. Everyone gasps
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 5
- 1 Opening
- 2 Elimination
- 3 Epic contestants
- 4 Before the challenge
Parallelogram: Welcome to Shape World! Episode 5! We're almost at the finale!
Blanket: Yay!
Triangle: Poop
Hexagon: ok
Parallelogram: Elimination!
Pentagon: NO!!!!
Parallelogram: Pentagon got all the votes!
Pentagon: NO!!!
Pentagon gets eliminated
Blanket: Yay!
Triangle: No
Circle (7th)
Square (6th)
Octagon (5th)
Pentagon (4th)
Parallelogram: The next challenge is to-
Parallelogram gets arrested
Blanket Wha?
Pentagon: I'm back from the incinerator!
Triangle: Oh no
Pentagon: Oh yeah
Pentagon: Time to die
Blanket: Uh, no?
Pentagon: oh ok
[A] - Ice Cube
[B] - Triangle
[C]- Hexagon
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 4
Shape world ah ah shape world shape world
- 1 Opening
- 2 Elimination
- 3 Epic contestants
- 4 Not the challenge
- 5 Challenge
- 6 Vote to die
Triangle: Ok Pentagon
Triangle dies
Pentagon: Ha ha Triangle get eliminated!
Blanket: Uh, no?
Parallelogram: Blanket's right! Triangle is not eliminated!
Pentagon: Yes he is!
Parallelogram: Elimination
Parallelogram: We got 93021571283947129847 votes!
Octagon: That's a lot
Parallelogram: I'd love to get that many votes! Octagon got all of them!
Octagon: NO
Blanket: Yeah!
Octagon gets eliminated
Circle (7th)
Square (6th)
Ice Cube
Octagon (5th)
Parallelogram: It's time for the next challenge!
Pentagon: NO!
Parallelogram: Oh ok
Blanket: Yeah!
Parallelogram: It's time for the next challenge!
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 3
- 1 Epic contestants
- 2 Opening
- 3 Elimination
- 4 Challenge
- 5 Vote to kill
- 6 Stinger
Circle (7th)
Square (6th)
Paralellogram: Oh yeah final 5
Triangle: Chicken wings
Pentagon: NO
Triangle: Yes
Hexagon: I'm bland
Everyone: DIE
Hexagon: No lol
Pentagon: oh ok then Blanket you die
Blanket: No!
Pentagon: Triangle dies then
Pentagon kills Triangle
Pitchfork: Hey it's me Gelatin
Parallelogram: You're not in Shape World! It's time for the elimination!
Blanket: Wha?
Octagon: There was no elimination voting
Parallelogram: Elimination time!
Parallelogram: Let's see who got the most votes! Wait this voting was a vote your favorite
Pentagon: IDIOT
Hexagon: Yeah
Parallelogram: Oh well no elimination then also Pentagon and Blanke…
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 2
- 1 Opening
- 2 Elimination
- 3 Epic contestants
- 4 Before the challenge
- 5 Challenge
- 6 Vote the best!!!!!!!!!!
Parallelogram: Hello welcome back to Shape World last time Ice Cube and Pentagon won and now someone will be eliminated! Yeah, so good
Pentagon: I HATE YOU
Parallelogram: Wow Pentagon that was mean
Pentagon: GOOD
Triangle: Stop
Pentagon: NO
Triangle: oh ok
Triangle leaves
Parallelogram: Wait no Triangle we need you for the elimination!
Triangle: Oh no
Parallelogram: Welcome to the elimination! We got... No votes...
Circle: Yay! That means we all stay
Square: ok
Parallelogram: No, for saying that, Circle is eliminated!
Circle: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!
Circle gets eliminated
Circle (7th)
Hexagon …
Shape World Epic Fan Season Episode 1
I'm so bored lol, time for another thing to get cancelled
- 1 Epic Contestants
- 2 Opening!!!!!!!!!!
- 3 Everyone's dead
- 4 Shape World Babies
- 5 Challenge
Circle: Yay, I'm living and it's really peaceful!
Pentagon: DIE!!
Circle: Nooooooooooo*dies*
Triangle: Smelly poo.
Pentagon: You die too!!!
Pentagon kills everyone and dabs.
Parallelogram: No.
Pentagon: NO DIE!!!
Parallelogram kills pentagon and recovers everyone.
Hexagon: ok.
15804aaa: I'm banning the word ok.
Hexagon: Die.
Hexagon shoots 15804aaa.
Kokichi: I'm joining this show!
Parallelogram: You're not in Shape World, go away!
Kokichi fades from existince.
Octagon: I want screentime.
Square: Who are you?
Pentagon: SHUT UP IDIOT…
I made a weird Opinions Template
For explaination, When Bone was said to be in Team 3 everyone screamed and Oodle asked what happened and Bone told Oodle that nobody(except Oodle) likes him.
The Pilot Ending Gone Wrong (New Scratch Project)
Mitten: (gasps) How dare you?!
Bacon: Let's have a riot!
Happy New Year!
It is 2022, my dudes-
I guess you are wondering about the requests for rights results? Well, they're in!
Are you ready to see them?
Here it is:
So if there is a O next to your name, you got the rights requested. If you have an X, well, you didn't. The problem with all of you who I declined rights to is that your edit was fairly recent. I have specified that you must have made your first edit 5 months ago or later. I should say that applies to discussion posts if you asked for discussion mod rights. Shockingly, nobody asked for just rollback.
Anyway, I'mma bout to start passing on some rights. Happy new year, everyone! -When I saw that BlTB talked to me, I figured I would get with the times! (talk|contibs|blog) 05:17, 1 Janua…
If you saw the announcement about the art contest submission deadline, I miscalculatied. I forgot the submission period ends on the 24 instead of the 23rd, so at December 22nd it should be two more days before the cut-off time. You still have another day people, it was my fault.
The Winter Festival has arrived!
Hello. Its me.
So you may be wondering about the cyan theme on the wiki right now. That's because, the winter event has come. Kinda a late start, but I actually made the logo ahead of time this time so I didn't really have to worry about much. If you prefer the normal green theme, it will return once the event is over.
Oh, and this is the last event of the year with, you guessed it, an art contest! Aim for something wintery this time, folks! You can submit your stuff right here!
BTW I am still taking rights requests so if you want to have some rights you may do so on this form. Read the stuff carefully!
Okay that's all cya-
Admin/mod requests are live!
Yeah, so we are lookingt to have some more admins and mods on the site since we only have two admins if you include me and it's just not enough.
You can apply here, just read the stuff carefully please!
Battle For Animated Inanimate Battle 4: Fartists
Fanny: Why exactly are we gonna meet Team 2.
Pencil: Because, diplomacy. Numbers are important in this game.
Four: I sure am!
Pencil: WHich is why we had to bake banana bread for the peace offering.
Puffbull: You know, for Banana bread. I don't smell Bananas.
Snowball: That's because Cinnamon Bun ate all my bananas, should've mentioned that.
Cinnamon Bun: Hey guys.
Iance: Ugh!
Ruby: You brought her along.
Snowball: She's our prize, so she's our responsibility.
Fanny: She's your responsibility because you've been babying her.
Intro tune plays.
Snowball: Really.
The intro plays with some changes. Snowball holding Cinnamon Bun, Ice Cube and Popsicle Stick having arms, Foldy being doodlefied, Woody and Pitchfork being upset, Chip Bag being yoyle metal and …
Fall Event Postponed
Dumb me forgot what day it was and it's past the day the Sunset Re-Coloration was supposed to be starting. Sorry about that, I was too focused on FNF.
I promise though, I won't leave anyone out on the event, and it will start five days later than normal. Stay tuned!
Battle For Animated Inanimate Battle Episode 3: Get A Grip
- 1 Scene 1
- 2 Scene 2
- 3 Scene 3
- 4 Scene 4
- 5 Scene 5
- 6 Scene 6
- 7 Scene 7
Roe: Hey Team 1, what's up!
Team 1 gasps.
Glowstick: Y-you spoke.
Album: Wow, and I thought I was the last one to talk.
Roe: Yeah, now who hasn't spoken.
Teardrop slaps Roe.
Pitchfork: HEY GLOWSTICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Glowstick: Ugh, WHAT DO YOU WANT PICHTY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pitchfork: I thought I might have a picnic with you, anyway have you tried the chacaturie.
Glowstick: No, I just sat down.
Glowstick takes a bite and spits it out.
Glowstick: Tastes horrible.
Pitchfork: Ah, that's what you love about me. My firey red passion mixing in with your cool blue demeanor, I really am the red to your blue.
Glowstick: This is a bunch of nonsense!
Glowstick turns red.
Pithcfork: You're breaking up wi…
AIB Battle Episode 1
Slimy Blob: Hey viewers. This is Slimy Blob, and welcome to AIB Battle. Here's how this is gonna work. Each episode will have 8 rounds. Whoever loses a battle is out. Whoever wins will make it to the next round. Whoever wins the final round will win. Anyway, without further a do, it's time for the first round!
Blanket Getaway! (AIB 5 Script Prediction)
- 1 Scene 1 - Bone! WHAT THE HECK
- 2 SCENE 2 - Back in For another elimination
- 3 SCENE 3 - More about the Doodle....
- 4 Scene 4: A Missing Contestant
- 6 Scene 6: Team 6.... WHY DO YOU KEEP ARGURING
Bone: -evil form- Nothing.. its nothing. -Turns Back- Huh?
Brain: Bone? Whats wrong
Bone: Nothing..
Brain: Ok....
-Brain Walks Away-
Brain: Hey Can?
Can: Yea?
Brain: have you seen anything wrong with Bone recently
Can: No? why do you ask
Brain: Bone's eyes. Just turned.. Red.. -Flashbacks while brain contiunes talking- Right their. i was so nervous. I Dindnt know what he was gonna do to me. and i feel like. 0 Emotions
Can: something's Up Bone
Brain: Ok?
-Awkward Silence-
Can: wait i think-
-Intro- …
Battle For Animated Inanimate Battle Episode 2: Stronger and Boulder
- 1 Scene 1
- 2 Scene 2
- 3 Scene 3
- 4 Scene 4
- 5 Scene 5
- 6 Scene 6
- 7 Scene 7
- 8 Scene 8
- 9 Scene 9
- 10 Scene 10
- 11 Scene 11
- 12 Scene 12
- 13 Scene 13(Voting Instructions)
- 14 Scene 14
Bone: I mean, it was really kinda weird but he honestly had no idea how he got in there.
Woody, Eraser and Pitchfork laughs.
Woody: You know, I’ve actually thought about helping people face more fears but not more people has fears. My inspiration their all gone.
Eraser: Well, if you need a hand with that then I’m down.
Telescope: I’d say me too, but my team has this whole not being afraid thing and-
Woody: And you can’t go and be afraid.
Telescope: Yep. Hey that reminds me Bone.
Bone: Huh.
Telescope: You know how you’re friends with Foldy. How she’s a pentagon.
Bone screams.
Coconut unfolds Foldy.
Coconut: Don…