The Blank Slate is the main location where Animated Inanimate Battle takes place.
The Blank Slate is a soft yellow-to-white gradient void with virtually nothing in it. Prior to The Pilot, only the contestants of Animated Inanimate Battle inhabited the Blank Slate. The only other noteworthy objects that appeared in the Blank Slate are poker cards, a bush, Recycling Bin's trash collection (thrown by Oodle to a place unknown) and Tumbleweed, created by Oodle in An Ice Beginning. As revealed in the intro, Oodle was sucked in through a portal from what may be his home dimension in order to get into the Blank Slate, causing the events of The Pilot and Animated Inanimate Battle as a whole.
After Oodle's appearance, the Blank Slate (as of Sun Blocked) has an ocean, a mountain, and six claw machines. The mountain is owned by Team 2 and is aptly named "Team 2 Mountain," with a cabin owned by them at the peak. It is seen to have Spore and Shade as inhabitants as well. The sun has a slight crack and a bandage on it as of Sun Blocked due to Frisbee throwing a javelin at it and breaking it in the process and having it needed to be repaired.