Animated Inanimate Battle Wiki

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This is a collaborative wiki focusing on the Powerpoint-animated series
Animate Inanimate Battle
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AIB 5 Thumbnail Sealed

"Sun Blocked" is the fifth episode of Animated Inanimate Battle. When a heat wave sweeps through The Blank Slate, the contestants find ways to cool off. But even so, tensions within Team 4 continue to run hot! (read more)
Previous episodes: "Fartists" • "Get A Grip" • "Smarter & Boulder" • "An Ice Beginning" • See all

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Animated Inanimate Battle, also known as AIB, is an American animated web series about a competition between inanimate anthropomorphic objects created by Robert Johnston. The show was officially released on April 15, 2018, but ceased production due to the termination of the channel it was being hosted on. It was re-released on April 1, 2020, and is continuing production currently. The entire series is uploaded on YouTube and hosted on the channel GatlingGroink57. (read more)

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Teaser for AIB 6 (possibly)

AIB is on hiatus. We will try to update you when the hiatus ends, but for now, this is an archive. You are still free to add any missing information on pages.

Get your metronome and your brewer ready... Coming soon as the beginning of the second-third of the first season, it's the musical episode "Starlight Espresso"!

Praise the sun! Just in time for the summer season, Sun Blocked is finally here! What sun-blazing challenge has Oodle got for the contestants this time? Find out now!

About the Show

Animated Inanimate Battle is a Powerpoint-animated object show created by Robert Johnston, originally released in April of 2018 on his YouTube channel, GatlingGroink57. The original first episode eventually became the pilot episode of the series when it got reuploaded in 2020, and the first episode ("An Ice Beginning") would eventually release in May of the same year.

The show follows Oodle the Doodle, an inter-dimensional, triangle-shaped drawing demigod who gets sucked into a portal to the Blank Slate, a yellow-and-white void that is home to around sixty living objects. After seeing the fun things these objects do and being convinced to stay by Leek, he decides to host a show in the Slate where the winner recieves anything they want. (more info)


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